Sunday, 20 March 2011

At least i can still eat Chocolate!

For the first time ever i have grabbed the opportunity of lent with both hands and have immersed myself into the real challenge of giving up wheat! Yes wheat! It has been nearly 2 weeks now living the life of a wheat free wonderer and i have got to the point where i have started dreaming about wheat based products, in particular bread and croissants. I am enjoying the challenge and it has really made me consider what i eat and i'm secretly hoping it will help spur on the summer bikini bod! However with the absence of most filler foods i have found myself constantly hungry for 2 weeks. Why is it that when you are without something you become consciously aware that everyone else around you has it. Everywhere i look people are gauging themselves on sandwiches and cookies, pizza and pasta, cakes and buiscuits, noodles and pastries. The list goes on.
Its a similar feeling to being sat in a room feeling a little deflated and trying to remember the last person you got a compliment off let alone asked on a date by, and then realising that everyone surrounding you is on a bloody date! couple to the left on a first date,  a pair in the corner canoodling, a girl introducing the boyf to her parents in front and probably the best looking couple you've ever seen sitting to the right of you - not only making you look sad and single but also showing you up especially when you decided not to put make-up on this morning. Great! Hungry, single, depressed and now thanks to Mr and Mrs Armarni model over there, feeling really ugly.

Oh gosh i have turned into a grumpy old woman now.

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